illustration masterclass 2023

Course content


The goal of this master class is to make a thoroughly developed, well-founded concept for a picture book, search-and-find book, a poetry book, etc.; any manuscript you can take to a publisher.
And that's exactly what we'll do in the end, because a handful of publishers will help evaluate your work during a presentation event.
In the end, you will have benefited from my 23 years of experience in the children’s book industry, the experience of real-life publishers and the experience of your peers.
Do you harbor the dream of creating your own picture book, just like I did almost 25 years ago? I clearly remember the hope I had of one day being able to do what I am doing now. Authoring and publishing my writing seemed out of reach.
Today I consider myself lucky to have lived that dream. But it wasn't always easy — my path wasn't a straight line, and it still isn't. Each new book grows out of a pile of doubts and a whole lot of work. Fortunately, I’ve learned how to avoid some obstacles and I’ve gained lots of experience.
This year I will be working on my 26th book — another adventure, some new doubts and yet another mountain to conquer. This time, I would like to take you with me on this adventure. While giving you a one-of-a-kind look behind the scenes, I'll guide your project while I am writing my own new book. I will help you to avoid the pitfalls and help you as much as possible towards your goal. In other words, not only will you benefit from my experience, you'll be able to instantly validate it against your own trajectory and that of your fellow classmates.
We will wrap up the illustration master class with a showcase in which you can present your work to some publishers.
All of this will take place at an inspiring location in Leuven (a small city near Brussels), over a nice cup of coffee. Leuven is situated in the center of Belgium and is easily accessible by public transport and by car. And if travel is too difficult for you, you can follow the entire master class online.

You'll choose a personal project in which I will mentor you. This can be an existing story or a story you've created yourself. I will give my constructively honest feedback and at the end of the master class, you'll be invited to present your project to some publishers. Their feedback is highly valuable because the chance to show your work to these professionals is quite unique.
Every coaching session will alternate with an online theoretical section. Since I will be working on my own new book during the master class sessions, I will be able to provide a unique peek behind the scenes, so you can witness firsthand how I turn theory into practice. These sessions will be posted online so you can consult them again at a later time.
During the master class there will be time for personal guidance and debate. Moreover, you can also observe the trajectory of your fellow students. Therefore, you will learn from your own path as well as those of your peers.
You can choose to work on your project during the physical lessons, but most of the work is to be done at home. So keep in mind that you will need to free up some time at home as well. To make the project manageable for everyone, we will discuss your goals at the beginning of the master class, tailored to your specific situation and the time you have available.

How to apply

You can sign up using the registration form below. Seats are very limited, so whoever registers first is guaranteed a place in the master class. If the reservation list is fully booked, a reserve list will be created.
Please ensure that you can free up space in your calendar on the days of the class schedule.
Donderdag 5 januari 2023
We stellen onze projecten voor en bespreken samen de mogelijkheden.
18.30 u - Noordoever Leuven.
Donderdag 12 januari 2023
Online les over de basis van prentenboeken maken.
20.00 u - Online.
Donderdag 9 februari 2023
We bespreken de teksten en de eerste schetsen.
18.30 u - Noordoever Leuven.
Donderdag 16 februari 2023
Online les over schetsen, creatieve oplossingen zoeken en het belang van de opmaak van je boek.
20.00 u - Online.
Dinsdag 18 april 2023
We bespreken de schetsen, teksten en eventuele kleurtesten.
18.30 u - Noordoever Leuven.
Donderdag 18 mei 2023
Online les over digitale technieken.
20.00 u - Online.
Mei 2023
Persoonlijk gesprek, datum en uur worden onderling besproken.
Donderdag 8 juni 2023
We bespreken de eerste ingekleurde illustraties.
18.30 u - Noordoever Leuven.
Juni 2023
Persoonlijk gesprek, datum en uur worden onderling besproken.
Juli en augustus 2023
Tijd om aan de inkleuring en de afwerking van je boek te werken.
Donderdag 14 september 2023
Bespreking van de afgewerkte projecten en voorbereiding op het toonmoment.
18.30 u - Noordoever Leuven.
Donderdag 28 september 2023
Online les over auteursrechten, uitgevers, zelfpromotie, sociale media,...
Oktober 2023
Persoonlijk gesprek, datum en uur worden onderling besproken.
Oktober 2023
Toonmoment voor de uitgevers.
Datum en locatie nog te bepalen.
Donderdag 9 november 2023
Afsluiten masterclass en bespreken toonmoment.
18.30 u - Noordoever Leuven.
Schedule of classes

October 5, 2023
Live class at ‘Noordoever' in Leuven. (Or an online meeting during this time period)
From 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
October 26, 2023
Online class.
From 8 p.m. to 9.30 p.m.
November 9, 2023
Live class at ‘Noordoever' in Leuven. (Or an online meeting during this time period)
From 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
November 30, 2023
Online class.
From 8 p.m. to 9.30 p.m.
December 14, 2023
Live class at ‘Noordoever' in Leuven. (Or an online meeting during this time period)
From 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
January 11, 2024
Online class.
From 8 p.m. to 9.30 p.m.
January 25, 2024
Online class.
From 8 p.m. to 9.30 p.m.
February 8, 2024
Live class at ‘Noordoever' in Leuven. (Or an online meeting during this time period)
From 8 p.m. to 9.30 p.m.
April 18, 2024
Live class at ‘Noordoever' in Leuven. (Or an online meeting during this time period)
From 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
May 23, 2024
Live class at ‘Noordoever' in Leuven. (Or an online meeting during this time period)
From 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
May or June 2024
A presentation of your artwork will be scheduled.
With dates and times yet to be determined.

Those who love the world of picture books, who want to make their own book and have no clue how to get started. No particular experience is needed; you'll learn how while taking the master class.
Those who are interested in the creation of a picture book, from the first draft up to the contacts with the publisher and self-promotion through social media.
Those who want to sharpen their skills and who are interested in a unique, personal glimpse behind the scenes.
Who is it for?
At the vegetarian/vegan restaurant ‘Noordoever' at the harbour in Leuven.
It's a nice, cozy spot with plenty of room to work and chat. You can enjoy delicious coffee, tea and other drinks, and there is also the possibility to eat before the event.
There is a convenient indoor parking lot at Vaartkom. So there is no need to drive to the city center. The Leuven train station is a 15-minute walk from Noordoever. City bikes from Bluebike are available day and night at the train station.
You can also opt to follow the master class online.
Where do we meet?

Would you like to attend this year?

As a result of the motivating and constructive feedback we got each session, our own illustrations were constantly evolving. Add to that a touch of coziness and a scoop of congeniality and you have everything you need to grow in illustration. I highly recommend it!
Leen D'hont

Taking Frank's master class was one of the best decisions of my life. I experienced a lot of growth because of the valuable feedback from Frank and my fellow students.
The sessions were packed with useful information, hands-on examples and a good dose of fun.
Larissa van Gurchom-Colijn

Frank clearly understood our uncertainties, encouraged us and took us on an inspiring journey through his fantabulous illustrative universe. On top of that, I was fortunate enough to meet a great group of fellow creatives.
Nele received an assignment from one of the publishers involved in this master class. Congratulations, Nele!
Nele Smets

I've learned a lot of hands-on skills. My style and technique has evolved tremendously during this course. Another thing that makes the experience so valuable is the joy of ending up in a group of like-minded people. It's so wonderful to hit the road together and see how all these projects take shape.
You really learn from the feedback you get from both each other and Frank.
Natasha Van Wesemael

By taking the master class I received a lot of information and answers to my questions. Making picture books seems easy, but there is so much more to it than just a little drawing and coloring. Together we had a great time. We all had the same goal, we all had our own drawing style, we all had the same dream, we all gained a lot from this course! Would I sign up again? Absolutely!
Xan received an assignment from one of the publishers involved in this master class. Congratulations, Xan!
Xan Boen

Frank's master class was a wonderful experience where one discovers like-minded spirits who walk the path of a picture book, separately yet together. The strength of this master class is sharing, which in fact is the same as learning and growing; with Frank as a friendly mentor, you grow into the best version of your talent. I’m super-grateful for joining the master class this year.
Katrijn received an assignment from one of the publishers involved in this master class. Congratulations, Katrijn!
Katrijn Jacobs
What the previous participants
have to say about the master class:

Please sign up here.
Seats are very limited, so whoever registers first is guaranteed a place in the master class. I'll confirm immediately if you're in.

Short tracks

Perhaps you don't want to embark on a new project, but you may need a partner for an ongoing project?
In that case, you can opt for a coaching trajectory:
We will start with an intake interview of two hours in my studio or online.
Over 6 months or 12 online conversations. I will coach and support you. This track is only suited for illustration projects. For concepts and written stories, we need more time. If you want, you can sign up for the master class.
Single coaching sessions

Do you only need one coaching session? Then opt for a personal two-hour meeting in my studio or online. During this meeting, we will discuss the issues you are struggling with.
However, this could also be an orienting conversation in which we discuss your portfolio and explore various avenues.

Single coaching sessions
Een persoonlijk gesprek van twee uur in mijn atelier.
199 EURO

Master class details
6 three-hour face-to-face classes, or the online equivalent of these classes.
1 showcase session for two publishers.
4 one-and-a-half-hour session of online theory classes.
4 One-on-one 30-minute online calls.
One-on-one coaching and plenty of time to give you a nudge in the right direction.
A unique behind-the-scenes look at the creation of my latest book.
The opportunity to meet like-minded people.
The opportunity to pitch your work to some publishers.
6 months of sessions at a cool location for 66 euros an hour, drinks included.
An option is available to pay the total amount in two installments.
1932 EURO

Korter traject
Coaching on an in-progress project.
An intake of two hours in my studio or online.
Over the course of 6 months or 12 one-hour online conversations, for the price of 90 euros an hour, I am your personal writing partner.
1260 EURO